Recently my 12 year old daughter and I were having tea together at one of our favorite spots chatting about this and that. I relish this time with her because she is at the age where she enjoys spending time in her room on her phone- a typical, almost teenager. She shared this story with me over tea: “Mom, I told some of my friends that I think the next Disney princess should be fat. My friends were all like, no way, and one of them said that would make people want to be fat. I told them no one wanted to be fat, but everyone wants to feel good about them self.” That was a proud parenting moment right there. She gets it, my girl.
Whenever someone posts a body positive photo or statement on social media people immediately begin to counter with fears of this encouraging bad health and nutrition. It is safe to say that most people want to be healthy. No one is advocating for an unfit, unhealthy lifestyle. However, there are many reasons a person may be overweight, and not all overweight folks are unhealthy. There are people who eat less than their thin friends but due to genetics, metabolism, and hormones are unable to lose weight.
The other day a blogger I follow on Instagram posted a text from a friend that said, “We are too fun to be skinny.” This resonated with me because as a woman in my 40s I practically need to starve myself to lose weight. ‘Aint nobody got time for that! For some, being skinny is natural, and for others it is hard work, and for some it is not possible at all no matter how hard they work. If you are naturally skinny, that’s great. If you like to work hard to be thin and fit, that’s great. If you struggle with extra pounds, and simultaneously want to eat chocolate from time to time and have your clothes fit, that’s great. If you are plus size and rockin’ it, that’s great. If you struggle with hating your body, you are not alone. There is hope. Reach out to a trusted friend, parent, spouse, or counselor.
I agree with my daughter; maybe it is time for a plus-size Disney princess. She may not be coming to the big screen anytime soon. Regardless, you are worth loving at any size.
Happy Friday Y’all!
Your blog today was awesome!! I am always telling my daughter that it’s not about being thin, it’s about being healthy.